About Me

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London, Ontario, Canada
Thanks for your interest in Little Treasures! My mission is to provide a service that meets the needs of your whole family. I combine the benefits of what I have learned in licensed group care with the familiarity, flexibility and family focus of a home based program.

Friday, December 4, 2009

"Woooo Goes the Wind" Oct 15, 2009

Check out all the pictures I just posted in the gallery from out trip today to O'Shea's farm.
If you wave your mouse around it will pop up the title and comments on the photos.

We started learning a pumpkin rhyme today.

Five little pumkins sitting on a gate,

The first one says "Oh my, it's getting late!"
The second one says "Lets go and have some fun!"
The third one says "I want to run and run and run!"
The fourth one says "There are witches in the air!"
The fifth one says "But WE don't care!"

Then "WOOOO" goes the wind
And OUT goes the light
And the five little pumkins roll out of sight.

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