About Me

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London, Ontario, Canada
Thanks for your interest in Little Treasures! My mission is to provide a service that meets the needs of your whole family. I combine the benefits of what I have learned in licensed group care with the familiarity, flexibility and family focus of a home based program.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Climbing the slide

We are getting excited for the snow to melt and the climbers to open up again.

I saw this great post on a parent blog, and it made me think...

Benefits of Kids Climbing Slides

  • Provides a Heavy Work Sensory Experience (Proprioceptive Input) - A child pulling herself up a slide is a sensory experience that can increase attention and body awareness.  
  • Allows a child to learn that rules can change based on different factors.  In real life, rules don't always stay the same and aren't always black and white.  For example, teaching a child that slide climbing is only allowed when the park isn't crowded is a conditional rule or a babysitter might not allow it, and the child needs to listen to the adult in charge.  
  • Gives the child the opportunity to learn courtesy.  It is polite if a child allows the children sliding down to go first before climbing up the slide.  
  • Accommodates for the well being of other children by explaining to your child that slide climbing shouldn't happen if there are lots of younger children who aren't as skilled and independent on the slide.  This makes them aware of the needs of other kids.  
  • Contributes to building their creativity by allowing them to physically experience that objects can be used in different ways.   
So what is your stance on slide climbing? 

See the whole post at

Friday, February 22, 2013

Q and U are stuck like glue!

We were invited to Daniel's class today to see Q and U get married.
I can't wait to post some pictures--my mom came out with us and was snapping away.

Daniel was the U, and walked down the isle and said "I do". :)
We sang the alphabet, some love songs (skinna-ma-rink), we danced and had wedding cake.
What a fun day for literacy!

Have a great weekend!

Teaching Our Kids.

I just read an awesome article and had to share it with you!

My goal has always been to teach independence and respect at my house, and I think this is GREAT!


The short version:
Much of the article is based on teens--but a healthy attitude towards responsibility starts way before our kids are 12.

  1. Help them take calculated risks. Talk it over with them, but let them do it. Your primary job is to prepare your child for how the world really works.
  2. Discuss how they must learn to make choices. They must prepare to both win and lose, not get all they want and to face the consequences of their decisions.
  3. Share your own “risky” experiences from your teen years. Interpret them. Because we’re not the only influence on these kids, we must be the best influence.
  4. Instead of tangible rewards, how about spending some time together? Be careful you aren’t teaching them that emotions can be healed by a trip to the mall.
  5. Choose a positive risk taking option and launch kids into it (i.e. sports, jobs, etc). It may take a push but get them used to trying out new opportunities.
  6. Don’t let your guilt get in the way of leading well. Your job is not to make yourself feel good by giving kids what makes them or you feel better when you give it.
  7. Don’t reward basics that life requires. If your relationship is based on material rewards, kids will experience neither intrinsic motivation nor unconditional love.
  8. Affirm smart risk-taking and hard work wisely. Help them see the advantage of both of these, and that stepping out a comfort zone usually pays off.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Making Bracelets

Smashing ICE!

Winter Outdoor Fun

 Sophie exploring our "fort" on the platform over the compost pile. Don't fall in!
 Naomi wants in on the fun too!
Olivia P likes digging in the snow.


 Olivia S and the farm.
 Olivia P and the trains.
 Naomi waiting for snack!
 Waiting at the window for the school bus!

First Day!

Daniel's first day of school.

Posting the pictures

 I made a New Year's resolution: To take more pictures. 
I should have added that filing and posting and developing helps too. :)  But I will catch up with the few I took in the fall, and then add in some from January. :)
Things are calming down with our renos, I no longer sleep with a paintbrush in hand so I hope to keep up a little better.

You will see some new faces!  After we sent Brody, Hailey and Daniel off to JK, we welcomed some new friends--Celeste and Naomi.
In January we had another new friend start, Olivia S. And Sophie started coming on the bus after school with Amelia.

AND Mr Tate is now a big brother to little Tyson, and he will be leaving us to spend some family time with his mom and new baby brother.  It will be very quiet around the house with out our little fireball!

That's the quick recap--
We will have some new friends joining us mid-march, so look forward to that!

 Tate in the new house/dramatic play centre.
Celeste exploring the fall leaves in the backyard.