About Me

My photo
London, Ontario, Canada
Thanks for your interest in Little Treasures! My mission is to provide a service that meets the needs of your whole family. I combine the benefits of what I have learned in licensed group care with the familiarity, flexibility and family focus of a home based program.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

For a walk down memory lane

Look at some of the older posts from January and February 2010.
Check out Brody's luscious curls.
Watch the videos of the kids doing their favourite stuff!

The Marching and Jumping Game

The marching and jumping game:
1. climb onto the ivy bed.
2. march across it.
3. jump off the other side.
4. fall down laughing.

Best Buds

 Olivia K. Amelia and Hailey

Brody and Daniel 

Tate and Olivia P.

Take my picture!



The cardboard clubhouse

Is there anything greater than a giant box? 
We coloured ours with chalk, and we called it our clubhouse.

Welcome OLIVIA!

We will call you Olivia K. 
We love having you come to play in the afternoon. 
You have a beautiful smile.