About Me

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London, Ontario, Canada
Thanks for your interest in Little Treasures! My mission is to provide a service that meets the needs of your whole family. I combine the benefits of what I have learned in licensed group care with the familiarity, flexibility and family focus of a home based program.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Merry Christmas! (December 2010)

Thank you everyone for a lovely little Chirstmas party. It was so nice to see you all and share some fun making gingerbread men and exchanging gifts. I am very lucky to have such wonderful families.
Thank you for thinking of me during this busy time of year--I certainly didn't expect you all to bring something for us!
I hope you have enjoyed the things I picked out for the children.
Happy New Year!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! (December 2010)

Olivia is teary. She still doesn't like the snow. I don't blame her--it's hard to walk in and is cold on the face when you fall over.

We spend our last hours before our Christmas party on Sunday playing in the snow and practicing 'Rudolph' for our moms and dads.
They knew all the actions. I swear.

We also count snowflakes on our fingers:
"One little, two little, three little snowflakes
Four little, five little, six little snowflakes
Seven little, eight little, nine little snowflakes
Ten snowflakes falling to the ground." (wiggle your fingers down)

See how brave they are getting on the snow piles?

SNOW much fun! (December 2010)

We (which really means "I" ~haha) dug out the snow banks to make a couple runs for the crazy carpets in the front yard on this beautiful day.
The kids are getting used to the height of the snowbanks so it's not quite so overwhelming. Also, I spent a lot of time trampeling it down so they wouldn't sink.
Still they are most comfortable on the walkways, and when the do venture off the pavement, they call themselves 'explorers'.
Olivia doesn't like the snow. At all.

The Big Snow at our House (December, 2010)

The backyard after 2 days of snow. (Note that is is still snowing.)

After 3 days of snow. The sun came out and all the neighbours were out trying to find their cars.

The snowbanks in our backyard after I dug our way to the back gate.

Had to post these so we don't forget what "a real storm" looks like the next time we get one. Thank goodness we had some melting days recently so it doesn't just keep on piling up!

Happy Birthday Miss Olivia! (December 3, 2010)

We had a morning celebration for Olivia's very first birthday!
Cupcakes before heading out to playgroup--what a treat!
It has been really fun watching Olivia grow from baby to toddler--as she is now definately toddling and on the move. In a few short weeks I'm sure we will be hearing her trying to chat us up with her first words, as she has also been much more vocal lately!
Happy Birthday Olivia!

Super Heros (November, 2010)

Brody inspires his crew with his Batman Hallowe'en costume.
Now we are all superheros with fantastic strength and magical capes!
The hats are super-accessories!