About Me

My photo
London, Ontario, Canada
Thanks for your interest in Little Treasures! My mission is to provide a service that meets the needs of your whole family. I combine the benefits of what I have learned in licensed group care with the familiarity, flexibility and family focus of a home based program.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Happy Holidays!

I had a fabulous time on Sunday when everyone got together for our little annual Christmas party.
Thank you for sharing a bit of your weekend with us.  I am so lucky to have such wonderful families.
I love your children and I am blessed to have such wonderful people in my home.
I appreciate your gifts and generousity.
I wish you all a happy and safe holiday, and a healthy and prosperous New Year!


Olivia P and Amelia singing their little hearts out to
A Canadian 12 days of Christmas
"A Porcupine in a Pine Tree"

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

For a walk down memory lane

Look at some of the older posts from January and February 2010.
Check out Brody's luscious curls.
Watch the videos of the kids doing their favourite stuff!

The Marching and Jumping Game

The marching and jumping game:
1. climb onto the ivy bed.
2. march across it.
3. jump off the other side.
4. fall down laughing.

Best Buds

 Olivia K. Amelia and Hailey

Brody and Daniel 

Tate and Olivia P.

Take my picture!



The cardboard clubhouse

Is there anything greater than a giant box? 
We coloured ours with chalk, and we called it our clubhouse.

Welcome OLIVIA!

We will call you Olivia K. 
We love having you come to play in the afternoon. 
You have a beautiful smile.

Friday, October 21, 2011

singing and dancing

These are the worst days of the year for being active outside, so we have been getting more active inside with music and active stories.

Daniel, Brody and Hailey are enjoying a monster-themed Hallowe'en with stories by Ed Emberly.  Listen to songs from some of his books and so some dancing at home!

If You're a Monster and You Know it http://www.scholastic.com/browse/book.jsp?id=1312582

There was an Old Monster http://www.scholastic.com/browse/book.jsp?id=1303624

(right click on "save target as" to add the tune to your itunes or media playlist)

Olivia and Tate are still happier with trucks and things that "GO!" Their favourites are

The Journey Home From Grandpa's http://www.youtube.com/user/barefootbooks#p/a/u/0/wKcrsv_t8Ko

Driving my Tractor http://www.youtube.com/user/barefootbooks#p/u

Have fun dancing!

Monday, September 5, 2011


Last Friday I had a lovely day with just Hailey and Brody, so I thought we'd do something special!  We spent the morning cheering each other on through one of the 18 hole courses at Windermere and Adelaide.  Hailey is a natural putter, and even scored as low as 3 and 2 on a few of the holes.  Brody is a natural goalie, and didn't let one golfbal get past him! :D  What a great way to wrap up the summer.

My budding Photographers

Brody took this picture of me.  He did a pretty good job!  Thanks Brody!


Speaking of spinning webs... :D  My trio of action packed adventurous Spiderkids are ready to save the day!  Amelia took this picture of her friends!

This is Charlotte

She's very exotic looking, but is actually known as common Black and Yellow Garden Spider.  I love her because she easy to see so I don't put my hand through her web, and I think I can thank her for the lack of earwigs in my garden this year. (I can't stand those things!)  Amelia is in love with her and all the facts she has learned about her!  Like the interesting patterns in her circular web.  We checked her out online at Wikipedia under "Argiope Aurantia."
You can do it too http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argiope_aurantia

Garden Harvest

This is Amelia's friend Sydney, who spent a couple of days with us this August.  She helped with our tomato harvest.  The kids don't seem to like eating the tomotoes, but the do like helping to pick them!

Friday, August 26, 2011

mmmmm summer treats!

Gibbons Park, Friday August 19

What a treat to have a day out with just Hailey and Brody!  We had a picnic snack, played and splashed and played some more, and fed the ducks some crumbs before we come home to have lunch.